What Are The Standard Prices & Cost For Mold Remediation in New Jersey?
What Are The Standard Prices & Cost For Mold Remediation in New Jersey?
A lot of people put off mold remediation because they don’t have the money. Some folks tell themselves “I’ll do it on my own time” and they procrastinate for years till the problem becomes unbearable. Other people try to treat mold on their own, just to find out it keeps growing back. Or they will start the job by themselves and realize that mold is very difficult to remove from certain surfaces. A good example is concrete. If you have mold growing on concrete, it is virtually impossible to remove without the right tools and chemicals. This is because the “rhizoids” (roots) of mold can grow inches beneath the surface. But before we can talk about the prices of mold removal in NJ, it is crucial for us to distinguish between the 2 most common types of mold.
First, Recognize The Difference Between Cosmetic Mold and Non Cosmetic Mold
When you contact our company, one of the first questions we will ask is “do you have cosmetic mold or non cosmetic mold?” Because there is a major difference between these 2 categories of mold.
Cosmetic Mold – In simple terms, this is mold that grows on dense surfaces like glass, metal, vinyl, laminate floors, tiles, windows and other dense surfaces. In most cases, this form of mold can and should be treated by the homeowner. Cosmetic mold does not establish deep rhizoids (roots). And 90% of the time, this type of mold can be wiped away with a paper towel, a mop, or sometimes a bit of ajax and scrubbing is needed. Sometimes we get calls from homeowners who have a bit of mold in their bathroom, and that is not the type of work we do. We deal more often with large non cosmetic mold colonies.
Non Cosmetic Mold – This is the type of mold our company treats. It grows on wood, concrete, sheetrock / drywall, brick, and other porous surfaces. Non cosmetic mold is mold that establishes a deep root colony. Once established, it can become very problematic and dangerous to deal with. The rhizoids from the mold will extend far below the surface. This allows the mold to draw up moisture and thrive. So if you superficially treat the mold, by scrubbing the surface, you still leave the rhizoids in tact and mold will reappear.
So please learn how to distinguish between these 2 categories of mold. Most mold remediation companies only deal with non cosmetic mold.
How Much Does Mold Testing Cost in New Jersey?
There are many different mold testing companies that charge vastly different rates. But all the labs that do mold testing, tend to charge the same basic rates. The average cost of a mold test in New Jersey is $400-$600. Call around and you can quickly see that this is true. But our company only charges $200 a mold test. The labs that do the testing charge $125, then we charge $75 for the sampling material and labor.
Keep in mind, you should never pay $2,000-$3,000 on mold testing. This is usually a red flag that you are being ripped off. We test a home to establish a general inside value, and an outside, control value. We do not need to know the values in every single room in your house. Any company that tries to do this, please tell them to leave.
Moisture meters and RH detectors were invented to stop mold companies from doing unnecessary amounts of mold testing. But many mold inspectors are greedy, and will try to conduct as many mold tests as possible. A mold inspector should always employ the rigorous use of a moisture meters and RH detector. If a room reads under certain levels, it can be guaranteed that there is no mold in that area, so there is no point of running tests. And most of the time, your typical home will only need 3 tests (2 indoor / 1 outdoor) which runs at $600.
We know of companies charging 5-10xs that amount, so please be aware of whats “normal” in this industry and what is a “rip off”.
How Much Does Mold Remediation Cost in New Jersey?
This is a very complicated question. There are many different methods that different companies use to remove mold and all of them charge different prices. 2 companies can be provide the same exact service while one company is double the cost of the other one. And there are many novel techniques companies use that are ineffective, expensive, and outright fraudulent.
Dry Ice Blasting – There are a few companies in NJ who will recommend dry ice blasting and make it sound like its the best thing since sliced bread. They love to use the excuse that “mold loves water, and dry ice blasting doesn’t add moisture to the cleaning process, so its more effective at killing mold”. This is completely false. Dry ice blasting machines are expensive which allows companies to tack on ridiculous fees and make more profit. It is also easier for the companies to do.
The problem is that dry ice blasting literally “blasts” your surfaces which leads to fraying. Fraying happens when something is subjected to so much pressure that it bursts or splits into tiny fibers (like wood) or it breaks down and becomes more porous (like concrete). So dry ice blasting makes a surface more prone to mold contamination in the long run. The only way it can be effective is if encapsulants are used (to resurface blasted areas). But if encapsulation is going to be done in the first place, then there is no need for dry ice blasting at all. It is expensive, ineffective, and outright redundant. Don’t be mistaken, dry ice blasting is used in commercialized industries for various purposes (stripping wood, removing paint or varnish, etc). But only recently has it been used for mold, and the fact is its the latest gimick in this industry. Don’t fall for it because there are much more effective and economical ways to remove mold.
Since we already have a page covering all the various mold remediation techniques, we recommend you check out this page.
How Much Do We Charge For Mold Remediation?
Over the years we have struggled to get our prices down and offer the lowest prices in New Jersey without sacrificing any quality to our work. We initially started at the industry standard of $3.25 / sq 2 and over the years we were able to bring our prices down to $1.50 / sq 2. We were able to do this by streamlining our inventory and establishing more connections. So instead of importing from outside of New Jersey, we pick our materials up locally and work with 17 different vendors in New Jersey.
This allows our crews to pick up materials anywhere in NJ. No preordering is involved, no expensive shipping fees, and it helps keep our costs low. Because of this we also don’t have to pay for storage like many other companies. There is never left over stock, no importing by the tons, and no need to pay for storage.
On top of that, our marketing department is one of the best in the US. Over the years they’ve managed to bring our marketing costs down by 50%, which creates far less overhead and allows us to offer extremely competitive rates for our clients.
So typically, we can provide full testing and remediation, for anywhere between $1500-$6000 depending on the size and scope of the problem. We don’t subcontract, we don’t cut any corners, and we are licensed by the manufacturer so all of our work is guaranteed for 30 years.